the chinese language: where to start...

from where to start learning the chinese languge

For now, I'm sure you've heard a lot about not only the importance of Chinese tones when you speak the chinese languge, but also how important it is to understand Mandarin Chinese. There are some important facts about these shades that will help you start speaking the language, but you also want to pay special attention to the tips that will help you strengthen these tones in his memory and eventually allow you to speak like a native ,in this video a cameroonian how really speakes chinese langage as natuve give us basic tips.

Tone in the chinese languge

There are four tones and a "neutral" sound.
The tones are essentially language song.
You just can not speak Chinese, you should sing.
Mandarin, each of these four colors are very different.
There are ways to represent the sounds that make it easy to sing.
Ways of representing tones

this videos simplify the chinese languge biginning to learner in wich francis tchiegue explain the easiest way to learn tones in mandarin chinese

Tones, because they can be represented graphically, often schematically in height on the Y (vertical) axis, while time is the x-axis (horizontal). This way you can get an idea of ​​what your voice needs to be done while you sing these tones. Although the graphics may look quite different, who are also represented with small tone marks above the "voice" or the end of the tongue speaking the chinese languge, exactly the mandarin chinese.

These tone marks as -, /, V, help you know if your voice level to be maintained, the rise, fall and rise or fall over time. These tone marks or symbols are a great help, because it is the first research in the Chinese language. Over time, it will become so familiar with some of the words that tell your stored automatically, without even thinking!

Another way to represent the tones, is to think in different areas, such as low, medium and high. Tone begins at a certain level and tone remains the same. The other, they move through the entire range or part of the field of low, medium and high. (See below for clarity).

Chinese Tones Tips for Talking the chinese languge

The first tone in the chinese languge is a tone high level (represented by the tone mark -). Start bit higher than his normal voice and support this area. It should look like: "Aaaahhhh," when you're at the doctor or dentist office.

The second tone in the chinese languge (represented by /) begins at the same level as your normal voice (middle), and increases with time. This means that you'll end up in a higher than when you started field. You may think that it is as if a question whose voice rises slightly at the end of the sentence, or just say: "Huh" and you sweeten the second.

Then the most difficult to talk about, but easier to identify when listening in the chinese languge is the third tone (represented by v). Start your normal voice (halftones), remove the tone to a low tone, then reduce the sound even more than when he started (High Tone). Thus, the third tone is also called step down and up, but you can think of to say, "Oh!" when you say that, in extreme frustration. (The guy in the front, the sound comes from the base of the throat, and another that listens knows that you mean business!)in the chinese languge

The fourth tone in the chinese languge (shown) is probably my favorite because it's so easy to say. From a high level, let your voice falls gently over time softly, like a sigh of relief. Sometimes when you start to learn Chinese, you may be tempted to say that the fourth ring very quickly, which makes it sound like being short with someone, rather than a relaxed sigh. Although this is common, it is a phenomenon that is trying to avoid, because it is not the typical sound of the fourth tone when spoken by native speakers.

The next step after Tonesstart learning the chinese languge

Wow! You have been added to the four tones, but it will be up to you to practice as much as possible so that you can master these sounds! Of course, you can expect to seem strange at first, as we learn to talk the chinese languge to each other and probably make a lot of mistakes in the beginning. But the important thing is to continue!

As you continue on your way to learn the chinese languge, you will see that soon become second nature as tones. As you learn new characters, words and phrases, you will always focus on the sounds, but once memorized and practiced, you'll be surprised how easy it is!so easy like the chinese languge itself; You have discovered the foundations of tones and is now a challenge to start learning PinYin of the chinese languge  wich  are the sounds of spoken mandarin chinese in the chinese language. Some like to think that this is the phonetic alphabet or Chinese, but not quite accurate.

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