7 Tips For Learning Chinese Quickly

7 Tips For Learning Chinese Quickly
7 Tips For Learning Chinese Quickly
Although no matter what the language learning takes time, there are some things you can do to expedite the process. It may not be able to put all these things in practice, but by the action, even with a couple of these suggestions can greatly reduce the time it takes to achieve fluency.

1. Build an agenda

The most important part of learning any language is a constant practice. This is obvious. However, many people underestimate the importance of consistency and routine. It may not seem like much to practice for half an hour, five days a week, but it is twice as effective as the two-hour practice once a week. No matter how busy you are, you can fit language learning into your daily routine. Whether for a commute to work, during lunch, or a quiet night - this time.

2. Set realistic goals

I know, I know. The idea is to learn Chinese quickly. However, Rome was not built in a day and no one will achieve mastery of a foreign language in a week. Set realistic goals for yourself that you believe you can achieve. Let them ambitious, but do not put yourself up for failure. Space your goals so that you have short-term goals and long term. Try to keep a number of vocabulary words each week, and there are more interesting targets. You say something like "I'll learn enough to order a meal in a restaurant this week." Give way to your goals around situations makes learning more effective in the short term, because it's really mastered some something concrete.

3. Dive

Even if you only have half an hour a day, and even if you do not know a single native Chinese speakers, you can immerse yourself in a language by examining the things in your mind all day. The more you practice, even in silence, the better you will absorb the language. Try posting words or phrases in Chinese places you see, and when you walk try to name as many names as possible in your mind. When you say something in English, ask yourself - Do I have the skills to speak Chinese?

4. Engage in multiple forms

The brain is a funny thing. If you learn something in a sense, not necessarily able to reverse. For example, if you look at the Chinese characters in flash memory cards and is able to include the word in Chinese and English, you may not be able to watch an English word and come with the Chinese character for her. Sure in many ways. Listen Chinese, and translate them into English. Listen to English and translated into Chinese. See pinyin, and try to come up with the character. See the character and try to find the pinyin. The more ways you practice, the deeper and stronger than his memory is.

5 Remember difficult things

Some things you just can not improvise. If you are confused about grammar, or have trouble with certain words or characters, just sit with it and remember. If you went to college, think about what worked for you then. It's annoying, but slogging through it will bring rewards when you are unsure of how to construct sentences.

6 Making games for you

If this is not good, you will eventually stop. You can find ways to make learning Chinese fun. Think of games English words that can be replicated in Chinese. List all the words you can think of that begin with a particular sound. Find exercises that you like and make them as comfortable as possible.

7. Speak!

This is the most important point. If you do not have the opportunity to speak, not progress quickly. This is the first reason why language programs based on the text and audio course. You do not have to worry! In the information age there is no problem finding people to talk to, especially when they speak English - a language very much in demand. If you use a program like Rocket Chinese, and have the opportunity to speak. If you use a different program there are still plenty of resources for you. Download and install Skype from the beginning. Skype allows video and audio chat in real time anywhere in the world, for free.

Then consult an online language exchange program. Do a search on Google to find a network where people are changing the language courses. You can set a schedule in which a Chinese speaker to help with their English and help you with your Chinese. If you're really ambitious, make a couple of friends and chat with Chinese speakers a few times a week. The progress you make will speak for itself.

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