learn chinese pinyin

The next step is to learn  Pinyin after tones. If you have at least an idea of ​​how the tons, you will now be able to practice all four tones for each sound in Pinyin. While this may seem impractical for all sounds, it is also extremely effective in building your skills tonal if at least it does with the "vocal" language.

learn chinese pinyin

Overview of the PinYin

Begin with a brief description of pinyin sounds. First, there are two categories of sounds in pinyin (initial and final), which closely resemble the consonants and vowels. The initials are more like consonants, while the finals are more like vowels.

Initial come at the beginning of a word, hence the term "original". There are 23 initials using the simplest form of Pinyin. Not bad, because there are 21 consonants in English.

Considering the end, however, can seem a bit overwhelming at first. However, an important idea to keep in mind that even though there are 24 finals (which are a bit like the song), this set of 24 includes many combinations of sounds used when you combine two or more vowels together. Thus, you are able to get rid of a lot of rules to be vowels together and just focus on the 24 sounds.

Learning modes of the system

Some would say that  the PinYin is nothing like a sound in English. However, I disagree and I think the best way to learn something new is to first go to what you know. For this reason, initial and final set, which includes sounds like English in a graph will get you started in Mandarin Chinese.

Others prefer to stick strictly to a memory memory routine used to learn Pinyin. Although I think this is the most painful way to go, there are some benefits from the first listen, then repeat these sounds. Therefore, you will see that my approach is actually a combination of both.

The best way to learn

Review some of the PinYin sounds using an array that combines the sounds of English. So when you briefly forget her, it is easy to return to the track. You will then learn the sounds in Chinese pinyin said. By listening carefully, and imitating sounds, you offer the best opportunity to consolidate these sounds in your mind.

But to really get the most out of this exercise, you want to at least take the final ("voice") and tell each end with four tonal sounds. In this way, you will be able to get a sound and make it work as it usually is in Chinese (a tone, of course). Not only that, but the daily routine will ensure that you have mastered the two tones and pinyin, which are the basics of the language.

In the final practice in four tons, I decided to call this daily exercise "song Pinyin." The reason for this is that, as you say, this routine, which actually sounds like a song that sings! At least it should if they say the tones correctly!


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