lesson 1: say hello in chinese

in this post we start the effective plan to teach mandarin chinese language using a different pedagogic tools text book ,videos,flash cards,caraters stroke order.The text book is the new practicle chinese reader first volume you can download it in our free ebooks page.
This textbook features several imaginary caracters to make your chinese learning experience more enjoyable: international students Ding Libo,Lin Na,and Ma Dawei .Chinese teachers Mr Yang Mrs Chen and Professor Zhang; chinese students Song Hua and Wang xiao yun and a chinese reporter Luyupin

and this is the first lesson : how to say hello in chinese  .

lesson 1: say hello in chinese

In this lesson, you will learn how to greet someone in Chinese.


- 你好 (Nǐ hǎo) - Hello


- 你好 (Nǐ hǎo) is pronounced like "knee how."
- Make sure to use the correct tone for each character. In this case, both characters are in the third tone (falling-rising tone).


- A: 你好! (Nǐ hǎo!) - Hello!
- B: 你好! (Nǐ hǎo!) - Hello!


1. Repeat the greeting, 你好! (Nǐ hǎo!), multiple times until you're comfortable with the pronunciation.
2. Try saying hello to someone you know using the Chinese greeting: 你好! (Nǐ hǎo!)

Cultural Insight:

- In Chinese culture, greetings are essential, and showing respect is important. When meeting someone for the first time or in a formal setting, a simple and polite "你好" (Nǐ hǎo) is the most common greeting.

Remember to practice this greeting regularly to become more comfortable with it. In Lesson 2, we will learn how to introduce ourselves in Chinese.

Writing chinese caracters rules

Chinese caracters must be  writen
  1. From top to bottom
  2. From left to right 
  3. Horizontal before vertical
  4. Diagonals right-to-left before diagonals left-to-right 
  5. Outside before inside 
  6. Inside before outside
  7. Inside before bottom enclosing
  8. Center verticals before outside "wings" 
  9. Cutting strokes last 
  10. Left vertical before enclosing 
  11. Top or upper-left dots first
  12. Inside or upper-right dots last 
according to this rules today's caracters stock order is

很 stroke order

呢 stroke order


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